leander cradle


Have been looking for the perfect picture of the Leander cradle...and yes I found it through Paul & Paula.

When I was pregnant of our boy Storm I spotted this great cradle already but decided to go for my old crib that my mother still had kept for years. The sentiment and thinking that when I was just little had slept in that same bed made me want to restyle it for our little baby. It is a rotan crib with a nice white fabric inside on a frame with wooden wheels.

But a couple of weeks ago I again saw this cradle in real and yes I fell in love with it again. And now I am in a bit of doubt...shall I go for my old crib again, which of course is very special because also Storm has been sleeping in it when he was a little baby? Or shall I go for this beautiful cradle which I adore so much too?

I have some time to think it over but am curious what you would do?



  1. Rotan is weer helemaal terug en daarbij is t een mooie gedachte ;)

  2. Many daycare centres work with the Leander crib. So old nostalgic crib at home, Leander crib at daycare. The best of both worlds.

  3. I love the Leander cradle so much! and I have the same " problem" when I was pregnant with my second son. I got already the bed...but I want something special for the second one....and we did it! We got this beautiful Leander, its so well made and just so cute for the new born baby. It hang in our sleeping room, and during the day he has the other spot in our working place....my son loves it, till like 8 months! ;) I will say - go for it!


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